Truck Accident Law Firm in Texas

Compensation for the victims of a road accident does not depend solely on insurance. There is a road accident compensation scale that sets a ceiling for road accident compensation. Thus the victim of a road accident is entitled to compensation according to the damages suffered (bodily injury and non-pecuniary damage). Semi Truck accident law firm in Texas and road accident lawyer, will calculate the amount of compensation according to numerous criteria. You need to hire a Texas truck accident attorney. The total amount of compensation is unfortunately still insignificant compared to bodily injury, moral damage, aesthetic damage or the death of a loved one. Hit By A Truck Call Chuck a truck accident law firm in Texas, assists victims against companies.

The victim has an indemnity claim against the insurer of the vehicle involved in the accident. In the absence of insurance of the vehicle or if the author of the accident is not identified, a Guarantee Fund assumes the compensation. The provisions of the Hit By A Truck Call Chuck apply to the victims of a road traffic accident involving a motorized land vehicle and its trailers or semi-trailers, with the exception of railways and trams on their own ways. This specific regime, therefore, concerns damage caused by a motorized land vehicle involved in a traffic accident.

Conditions allowing victims of road accidents to be compensated. The accident is a sudden and fortuitous event, that is unforeseen and beyond the control of the participants. The law does not apply if the driver has voluntarily sought the damaging action of the vehicle. When the vehicle is stationary, circumstances must be related to the traffic. This is the case of accidents caused by a parked vehicle if it is parked in a place intended for traffic.

Directions To Our Las Cruces Truck Accident Attorney Law Firm

Hit by A Truck Call Chuck

5915 Silver Springs Dr #1A,
El Paso, TX 79912, United States
Phone: +1 915-800-7544

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