Currently, more and more men and women do not officially enter into marriage, but live together, maintain a common household, and deal with vital life issues. When a child is born as a result of this residence of a man and a woman, a situation may arise in which the establishment of paternity of the child is necessary. Whitmarsh Family Law, PC provides on a professional basis the services of a lawyer to establish paternity in court. Their family lawyers who do paternity law firm in Los Angeles in Whitmarsh Family Law, PC will help you to appoint and conduct a genetic DNA examination, file a lawsuit with the court, make your representation in court and get a decision on a civil paternity case.
They apply the accumulated knowledge of this type of legal dispute to your situation, determine the means of resolving it, help a Los Angeles paternity lawyer to conduct a forensic genetic examination before the court, have the right to file a petition for a DNA forensic examination, the results of which will determine the following actions aimed at protecting your family rights and rights of your child.
When a dispute on the issue of paternity arises a lot of questions, the relationship of the disputants is heated to the limit, here you need to contact a family lawyer, an assistant in the case of establishing paternity. A legal practitioner will help you find the most optimal material and temporary solution to the issue related to the complex of legal services for the recognition of paternity in court. After receiving a positive result and a court decision, you will have the right to file a claim for recovery of maintenance from the respondent for the maintenance of the child. The Los Angeles lawyer will be able to prepare all the necessary documents for the court to satisfy your request and collect maintenance for the child.
Legal services will be aimed primarily at creating a situation of being in a comfortable state for you, we understand how nervous such cases are, we will undertake not only legal but also moral support of our client in such a complex matter. They will show you options for resolving a difficult case, share court practice in this category of cases, take joint decisions and take joint actions to achieve the solution you need. They offer you legal services at reasonable prices, taking into account the complexity of your question, and those labor costs that are necessary to solve your question directly.
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Directions To Our Los Angeles Family Law Attorney Law Firm
Whitmarsh Family Law, PC
1900 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 1800 B
Los Angeles, CA, 90067