Better too early than too late
Often the mistake is made to visit a lawyer only when the child has already fallen proverbially in the well. However, a lawyer should not be seen as just a last resort and ultima ratio. If you get in contact with him early, a lengthy and expensive procedure can sometimes be avoided. The lawyer will work to choose the path of least resistance for you, without having to fear a legal loss.
A lawyer is liable for his mistakes
Advice that you pick up on the Internet or receive elsewhere may, in case of doubt, worsen the legal situation if they are simply wrong and incompetent. However, you can trust the approach of a lawyer. However, lawyers are only human and of course do not always work properly. However, lawyers are always responsible for their work, whether you represent in litigation or out of court. This is prescribed by law. A lawyer may only actively practice his profession if he also has a professional liability insurance. Why should you bear the financial risk associated with online lay counseling if you can contact a personal injury lawyer with your own professional indemnity insurance instead?
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