Having a child is both parents responsibility until that child is an adult. This is true if you are married, dating, just met and had a baby, divorced, or separated; both parents are still responsible for the well-being of that child. When you are separated or divorced it can become a little more complicated to take care of this child, especially if you are now living off one income. Living in Park City can be terribly expensive and raising a child is expensive on its own. This is why you need both parents to contribute to be sure that your child is getting everything that they need. Getting child support is not always easy, which is why often times people need to call the family law firm, Smoak Law, P.C. in Park City for legal assistance. They can help you file for child support and help you determine just how much child support is expected from the other parent.
You will have to speak with a lawyer to know exactly how much money each parent is expected to contribute. It depends on three main factors, the income of both of the parents, the child custody arrangement, and how many children there are from your relationship. Smoak Law, P.C. family law firm in Park City can walk you through this entire process and help you get a realistic idea of how much money is being taken into account. In most cases the child support is ordered until the child is an adult, but if there is a child that is dependent or disabled then the child support may be extended. A Park City child support attorney will be sure to go over all the options with you so there are no surprises in your case. There is also child support modification, and if this is something you think you need, the attorneys at Smoak Law, P.C. can still be the law firm to assist you.