Portland Based Auto Accident Lawyer

After you have been involved in an auto accident and hired your auto accident lawyer Portland it is critical that you do not have any contact directly with any party including insurance companies. To help protect you and keep everything said on record it is best if the Portland attorney is the one who handles all contact and then relays it to you. This is done for your protection and also to ensure your case is not accidentally compromised. It will also be your lawyer’s job to collect all the data and create a case around it. This will include the police report, any photographs, medical records, and property damage reported.


Law Offices of Jonathan M. Friedman are a Portland personal injury law firm who have been there for countless people in their auto accident cases. Their attorneys have the practice and tools to help you get the best possible results. They have countless years of experience in auto accident cases, and have spent a lot of their time dealing with insurance companies for you to feel like you are in good hands. Their goal is to help you receive compensation and feel good about your choice in law firm.

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